Hal de Becker; writer, dancer, performer passed away peacefully on May 13th, 2021.  My father was a prolific writer for Callback News, authoring over 200 pieces, mostly dance reviews. I vividly remember getting early, pre-publication looks at  his reviews.  He was proud of his writings, and I felt very lucky to get a "sneak peak".   His knowledge of dance, and his sometimes blunt, but always honest reviews were such a joy to read.  I accompanied him many times to performances, and watched as he scribbled notes that nobody but him could read!  My father inspired me on many levels.  We shared an intense interest in history, specifically, WWII, which without him, I am not sure I would have been exposed to so many books on the subject. He literally was an expert on the subject, and we had such great discussions.  We shared a love of wine, and food.  We shared many home cooked meals together, accompanied by wonderful wine, and conversations about art, dance, and history.  Not to get too personal, but my father was not without fault (as we all are), and I was moved by his genuine apologies for past mistakes; apologies made during meaningful, and loving discussions.  He inspired me to be a better man, and person.  He inspired me to read more, as he would routinely be reading 3 books at the same time! I will miss the moments that we shared.    My father was a figure in the dance arena in Las Vegas for over 50 years as a performer, choreographer, and instructor .  He truly loved his craft, and was an accomplished dancer, passionate about the art.  He is survived by his 5 children, and 7 grandchildren. My father will be sorely missed, and his loss is a great one for his family, and the world of dance.