Category: Past Newsletters

June 2020

Well, we are beginning to see a glimmer of hope for our city.  Casinos are opening (in a limited way,) on June 4th.  It will certainly be a different experience…isolated gambling…space between machines, few, if any, live games; and plexiglass everywhere…and parking fees are being waived.  There will be temperature checks, masks, and sanitation stations everywhere.  It will be the first time in history that masks will be allowed on a casino floor.  And while the casinos open, entertainment is still a mythical beast that awaits it’s time for an emergence.  Entertainment is really based on getting large groups of people together and sharing a communal experience, and currently that’s being frowned upon…will it be mid or late June?  July?  August?  2021?  Maybe it will be given permission to start just as a second wave hits?


The entertainment industry is frustrated.  I watch and see many of our local performers losing their drive and inspiration.  I have watched as they have gone from training hard every day and anticipating their return to the stage, trying to perfect their art to now exhausting their choices on streaming services, and excited that they have a new video game to play.  Their work, their art, their jobs, remain in limbo.


We have been isolated for the equivalent of six consecutive quarantines. 


We live in a very different world right now, and no one has definitive answers.  It has been a confusing time…we get information, and we’re supposed to respond in this manner.  Then we get different information, which makes the first information moot.  And this happens daily.  What we do have is wild speculation, and I mean wild as in far reaching and disparate...  Some think we’ll recover quickly, other’s think years.  Some look for a massive second wave, some think it will be minimal.  And of course, there is so much propaganda, so many bad “facts”…so many idiots.


The weather got brutally hot, exceedingly early this year.  Normally temperatures never reach 100 degrees until the month of June…This year, it started in April. 


June is a lot of things…including: National Aquarium Month, Candy Month, Dairy Month, Fight the Filthy Fly Month, Gay Pride Month, National Accordion Awareness Month, National Adopt a Cat Month, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, Rose Month, National Safety month, and Turkey Lovers Month.


And not that you’re going to find a card to go with any of these occasions, but on a daily basis:  The first is Dare Day and Flip a Coin Day. The second is National Bubba Day and National Rocky Road Day. The third is Repeat Day (I said "Repeat Day".) The third is Repeat Day (I said "Repeat Day",) and National Doughnut Day always the first Friday in June. The fourth is Applesauce Cake Day, Old Maid's Day, and Hug Your Cat Day. The fifth is World Environment Day.  The sixth is National Gardening Exercise Day- Get out and exercise with your plants, and National Yo-Yo Day. The seventh is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. The eighth is Best Friends Day, as well as Name Your Poison Day. The ninth is Donald Duck Day, and the tenth is Iced Tea Day. The eleventh; National Corn on the Cob Day. (At this point I’m thinking to myself, “why did I start this list?” but then… “well, I’ve come this far…now I have to finish.”)  The twelfth; Red Rose Day. The thirteenth; Sewing Machine Day. The fourteenth; Flag Day. The fifteenth; Smile Power Day. The sixteenth; Fresh Veggies Day; followed by the seventeenth; Eat Your Vegetables Day. The eighteenth is big.  It is Go Fishing Day, International Panic Day, and National Splurge Day, and National Hollerin' Contest Day - third Saturday in June - Oh yeah!! And it’s World Juggler's Day - Saturday closest to June 17th The nineteenth;  the 16th is World Sauntering Day. The twentieth is Ice Cream Soda Day, and the Summer Solstice. The 21st is Father’s Day and Go Skate Day. The 22nd is National Chocolate Eclair Day. The 23rd is National Columnists Day and National Pink Day, and the 24th is Swim a Lap Day, and Take Your Dog to Work Day Friday after Father's Day. The 25th is Log Cabin Day and National Catfish Day. The 26th is Beautician's Day, Forgiveness Day. The 27th is Sun Glasses Day. The 28th is Paul Bunyan Day and Insurance Awareness Day - Now who do you think invented that!?! The 29th is Camera Day, Hug Holiday, and Waffle Iron Day. And finally, June 30th is Meteor Day.


What kind of jokes can you make during a quarantine?


(Inside jokes.)


Stay safe, wear a mask, and wash your hands.


For dates and times, be sure to log onto the Las Vegas Online Entertainment Guide:  When entertainment eventually comes back... is, of course, the place to read the reviews of all of the shows that are in town so that you can be better informed as to what you should expect from a certain production. The reviews are updated as needed to give you the knowledge you need to spend your entertainment dollars better.